Friday, 13 December 2024

End to the cruel trade in puppy smuggling moves closer:

An end to the cruel trade in puppy smuggling has moved closer following the announcement of Government support for a new Private Members’ Bill on 29th November 2024.

The Government announces support for the Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Private Members Bill.

The Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill – sponsored by Dr Danny Chambers MP – will make it more difficult and less profitable for traders to fraudulently import animals for sale under the disguise of owners traveling with their own pets, addressing the current abuse of non-commercial rules that compromise animal welfare and biosecurity.

This Bill delivers on a manifesto commitment to crack-down on puppy smuggling by closing loopholes exploited by unscrupulous commercial traders. It will give the Government powers to ban the import of puppies and kittens under six months, and dogs and cats that are mutilated or heavily pregnant.

Baroness Sue Hayman, Animal Welfare Minister, said:   

The smuggling of pets is an appalling trade with no place in our society, a nation of animal lovers. We promised safer streets and we will stop these horrific criminals profiting from cruelty.  

This important legislation is the first step in achieving our manifesto commitment to deliver the biggest boost in animal welfare in a generation.

 Danny Chambers MP said:

As a vet, I’ve treated many dogs with cruelly cropped ears or docked tails, leaving them physically scarred and emotionally traumatised. There is no excuse for these mutilations in the 21st century.

But this bill is about more than animal welfare. We’re also protecting public health because dogs that have been smuggled into the UK could be carrying terrifying diseases that affect humans, such as rabies. 

By taking advantage of policy loopholes, criminals have been able to traffic vulnerable animals into the UK. This gap in the system has caused the suffering of thousands of innocent animals. As a vet, I think it is time we close this loophole, stop it from being exploited by organised criminals, and put an end to this cruel trade once and for all.


Thursday, 12 December 2024

Next neutering deadline approaches for exempted XL Bullys

Relating to dogs who were at least 7 months of age but less than 12 months on 31st January 2024:
For your Certificate of Exemption to remain valid, you must arrange to have your XL Bully dog permanently neutered. Male dogs must be neutered through castration, and female dogs must be spayed.
You must use the confirmation of neutering form to tell Defra your dog has been neutered. You must provide the completed form to Defra on or before the relevant deadline of 31st December 2024.
The confirmation of neutering form can be found online here: Confirm an XL Bully dog has been neutered - GOV.UK

You must provide Defra with evidence that your XL Bully dog has been neutered on or before the relevant deadline. 

The owner and vet must fill in the veterinary confirmation of neutering form (VCN01) once the neutering procedure has been carried out. The owner should return the form to Defra. 

Defra must receive the form by the relevant deadline.

 If you do not provide evidence that your dog has been neutered by the relevant deadline, your dog will no longer be exempt. 

Thursday, 5 December 2024

Fireworks - Parliamentary Debate

 On Monday 9 December, MPs will debate two petitions relating to the sale and use of fireworks.

Robbie Moore MP, a Member of the Petitions Committee, has been asked by the Committee to open the debate. MPs from all parties can take part, and the Government will send a minister to respond.

Ban the sale of fireworks to the general public

The petition, which has more than 50,000 signatures, states: "Purchasing and owning fireworks should not be allowed for the general public. The Government should introduce a law stating that fireworks should only be permitted for professional shows and events - this will mean they are handled safely, cleanly, and at predictable times."

In its response to the petition, provided on 1 November 2023, the Government said it: "has no plans to ban the sale of fireworks to the public but continues to monitor the situation. We believe the majority of individuals use fireworks safely and appropriately."

Limit the sale and use of Fireworks to licence holders only

The petition, which has more than 75,000 signatures, states: "Fireworks killed our mum, Josephine Smith. Her home was attacked using fireworks. We believe the use of fireworks after sale to the public cannot be policed.
We think all displays should be licensed and sales limited to licence holders only."

The Government will provide a response in due course.

What are petitions debates?

Petitions debates are 'general' debates which allow MPs from all parties to discuss the important issues raised by one or more petitions, and put their concerns to Government Ministers.

Petition debates don’t end with a vote to implement the request of a petition. This means MPs will not vote on the request of the petitions at the end of the debate. Instead, the aim is to give MPs an opportunity to discuss the issues raised by a petition, and get a response from the Government.

Petition debates are scheduled by the Petitions Committee. Only e-petitions started on the Parliament petitions site are considered by the Petitions Committee.

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

New changes to exemption scheme

Coming into force on 5th December 2024 and applying to England and Wales.

These amendments have been passed via a Statutory Instrument; the Dangerous Dogs (Exemption Schemes) (England and Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order - No 1149 2024.

The details can be viewed in full here:

DEFRA Information - changes include:

Extension of the neutering deadline date in the 2023 Order for dogs aged under 7 months on 31 January 2024 from 31st December 2024 to 30 June 2025. 

This change is being made to reduce health and welfare risks associated with neutering large dogs before they have physically matured. As a result of the change the majority of XL Bully dogs exempted under this Order will be at least 18 months old when they are neutered. The 2023 Rehoming Order does not need to be amended as no dogs exempted under that legislation were less than 7 months old on 31 January 2024.

Amendment of the neutering requirements in the 2015 Order in relation to an XL Bully dog exempted through the court- approved exemption scheme to ensure that XL Bully dogs do not need to be neutered until they are 18 months old. 

Amendment of the requirements relating to Public Liability Insurance so that owners holding Certificates of Exemption are required to provide evidence of insurance on request rather than annually. Owners of all banned breed type dogs with a certificate of exemption are required to have public liability insurance in place for the lifetime of the dog.  Previously they were also required, as a condition of the exemption certificate, to send proof annually to Defra that their insurance had been renewed. In light of the large increase in the number of exempted dogs registered with Defra following the implementation of the XL Bully ban, we have reviewed the administrative burdens associated with the processing of annual insurance notifications. We have concluded that it would be more proportionate to replace this approach with spot-checks. The requirement for insurance will remain in place, but Defra will be able to request evidence of insurance from owners and owners will be in breach of their conditions of exemption if they do not provide this evidence within 5 days of the request being made. Non-compliance with this request will result in a dog’s Certificate of Exemption becoming invalid. 

This change is being made to reduce the administrative burden on owners and Defra. Amendment of the 2015 Order to allow substitution of the person in charge of an exempted XL Bully dog, in the event of death or serious illness of the exemption holder. This will align with provisions that already apply to other banned breed types. 

Previously in the event of serious illness or death of the owner of an XL Bully dog exempted under the 2023 Order, it was not possible for another person to lawfully take charge of the dog and keep it. The amendment means that in this situation the prospective new owner can apply to the court for the ownership to be transferred to them and the dog can remain with them until the case is heard, rather than being seized, if the Police deem that there is no risk to the public from the dog, and that the person is fit and proper. This change aligns the policy for XL Bully dogs with that which is already in place for other banned breed types. 

Friday, 1 November 2024

Classic FM’s Pet Classics - Fireworks Season

For the pets and families who find fireworks season stressful and upsetting, try Classic FM’s Pet Classics.

On Saturday 2nd and Tuesday 5th November from 5-9pm for soothing classical music.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) Bill

A Bill to make provision changing the law about the offence of livestock worrying, including changes to what constitutes an offence and increased powers for investigation of suspected offences; and for connected purposes.

This is a Private Members' Bill which was presented to Parliament on Monday 21 October 2024, the Bill is sponsored by Aphra Brandreth MP (Conservative).

The next stage for this Bill is the Second reading, is scheduled to take place on Friday 29 November 2024.

There are no publications for this Bill yet. This can often happen in an early stage of a Bill, when it has not been fully drafted.

Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Renters' Rights Bill has second reading

The Renters (Reform) Bill was introduced to parliament in May 2023 and contained measures to amend the Housing Act 1988 to make it an implied term of an assured tenancy (with some exceptions) that a tenant may keep a pet with the landlord’s consent unless the landlord reasonably refuses. The bill did not complete its parliamentary stages before the end of the 2023-24 parliamentary session and did not become law.

In the King’s Speech 2024 the Labour government announced it will introduce a Renters’ Rights Bill in the 2024-25 parliamentary session. The bill is expected to give tenants the right to request to keep a pet, which landlords cannot unreasonably refuse. Landlords will be able to request insurance to cover potential damage from pets if needed.

This Bill was debated at the second reading on Wednesday 9 October 2024 and has now been sent to a Public Bill Committee which will scrutinise the Bill line by line and is expected to report to the House by Thursday 28 November 2024.

From the Government guide to the Bill:

Applies to England - Renting with pets

Pets can bring a huge amount of joy to their owners. We are committed to supporting responsible pet ownership in the private rented sector. The Renters’ Rights Bill will ensure landlords do not unreasonably withhold consent when a tenant requests to have a pet in their home, with the tenant able to challenge unfair decisions.

We know that some landlords are concerned about potential damage caused by pets. That is why the Renters’ Rights Bill will allow landlords to require insurance covering pet damage. This will provide landlords with reassurance that any damage caused by a pet can be taken care of, and that the responsibility for preventing and resolving damage caused by a pet will fall to the tenant.

We will publish guidance for landlords and tenants before the new rules come into effect.

Friday, 27 September 2024

XL Bully ban - Ireland Update

 Minister Humphreys has signed regulations to introduce the XL Bully Ban in Ireland

September 2024 News from the Department of Rural and Community Development - Ireland, is as follows - there is additional news for rescues:

Following engagement with Animal Welfare charities and shelters, existing XL Bully dogs already in these facilities on 1st October will be permitted to be rehomed or exported subject to strict criteria until February 1st 2025.

The Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD, has signed the Control of Dogs (XL Bully) Regulations 2024 that will introduce the ban on XL Bully type dogs in Ireland.

The ban will come into force in two stages beginning on the 1st October 2024 with a full ownership ban coming into force on the 1st February 2025.

The period between these two dates will allow current XL Bully dog owners time to apply for a Certificate of Exemption from their local authority to permit them to keep their dog until the end of its natural life.

There will be no fee for the certificate of exemption.

Owners will be able to apply for a certificate of exemption from their local authority from 1st October subject to the dog being:


Following engagement with Animal Welfare charities and shelters, existing XL Bully dogs already in these facilities on 1st October will be permitted to be rehomed or exported subject to strict criteria until February 1st 2025.

This means when in a public place, these dogs must be securely muzzled and kept on a strong chain or leash (maximum 2 metres in length) by a person over 16 years of age who is capable of controlling the dog.

Further information regarding the XL Bully ban and how to apply for exemption can be found here -

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

New Rules – XL Bully type dogs – Ireland

For full details – visit

From October 1st 2024, new regulations will prohibit the importing, breeding, selling and re-homing of XL Bully type dogs.

From February 1st 2025, it will be illegal to own an XL Bully type dog without a ‘Certificate of Exemption’ issued by the local authority in which the dog resides.

XL Bully owners will have between October 1st 2024 and (before) February 1st 2025 to apply for a Certificate of Exemption.

As a cross of restricted breeds, XL Bully type dogs are subject to the existing additional controls.

This means when in a public place, these dogs must be securely muzzled and kept on a strong chain or leash (maximum 2 metres in length) by a person over 16 years of age who is capable of controlling the dog.

Need for change in ownership rules

New ownership rules are being introduced to protect public safety following a number of attacks by XL Bully type dogs.

Similar measures have recently been announced in both the UK and Northern Ireland.

How to prepare for new ownership rules:

Owners that wish to keep their XL Bully type dog must apply for a Certificate of Exemption before 1st February 2025. The Certificate of Exemption will allow them to keep their dog until the end of its natural life.

After the February 1st 2025 owners of an XL Bully type dog that have a Certificate of Exemption must continue to meet the relevant criteria required to obtain the Certificate of Exemption.

Certificate of Exemption:

This certificate will be unique to each XL Bully type dog and owner. It will specify the dog’s licence details, microchip details, neutering details, age and description. It will also specify the dog owner’s name, address, date of birth and contact number.

A Certificate of Exemption is issued by the Local Authority and authorises the owner of an XL Bully type dog to keep that dog at a particular premises until the natural end of the dog’s life.

After February 1st 2025 all XL Bully type dog owners should either be in possession of a Certificate of Exemption or have proof that they applied for a Certificate of Exemption.

Owners may be required to present their Certificate of Exemption to a Dog Warden within 10 Days of a request to do so.

Applying for a Certificate of Exemption:

Owners must apply to their local authority after October 1st 2024. This webpage will provide links to the relevant areas of all Local Authority websites after October 1st 2024.

The completed form should be sent by post or email to the relevant local authority.

The Local Authority will process the application and send either:

A Certificate of Exemption,

A Letter of Refusal,

Request for further information should the application be missing any relevant information.

No fee will be charged for a Certificate of Exemption.

Documentation needed for a Certificate of Exemption application:

The following documentation should be included with the application;

1. Copy of valid dog licence;

2. Copy of microchipping certificate for the dog;

3. Veterinary Confirmation of Neutering Status Form (see below);

4. Photographic proof of identity (copy of passport, drivers licence, public services card etc.); and

5. Proof of Address (copy of utility bill or bank statement within previous 3 months etc.).


Owners must arrange to have their XL Bully type dog neutered by a registered Veterinary Practitioner in order to receive a Certificate of Exemption. Neutering of the XL Bully type dog must be carried out through castration if it’s male or spaying if it’s female.

Once the dog has been neutered, owners must complete a Veterinary Confirmation of Neutering Status Form .

This form must be countersigned by a vet and forwarded to the Local Authority by post or email.

A Certificate of Exemption will not be granted until the Veterinary Confirmation of Neutering Status Form has been received by the Local Authority.

Owners will be able to submit a Veterinary Confirmation of Neutering Status Form where their dog is determined by a vet to be medically unfit for neutering.

Dog microchipping:

It is a legal requirement in Ireland to have all dogs implanted with a microchip and registered on an approved database by the time they are 12 weeks old.

For more information on micro-chipping and registration of your dog, please consult this page on a dog owner's legal responsibilities.

If you're unsure if your dog is microchipped, ask your vet to scan your dog for a Microchip.

Refusal of a Certificate of Exemption:

If an application for a Certificate of Exemption is refused for any reason, the owner will be notified in writing by their local authority. Such owners may re-apply, addressing the reasons for refusal.

If further applications are refused, and a certificate of exemption is not in place before February 1st 2025, owners may be required to surrender their dog to the Local Authority Dog Warden.

The seizure and detention of any dogs may involve both the Dog Warden and An Garda Síochána.

Definition of an XL Bully type dog:

The XL Bully type dog is a variant of the wider American Bully breed type. The XL Bully type dog is typically larger (both in terms of height and body shape) and more muscular than other American Bully breed types such as the ‘Micro’, ‘Pocket’, ‘Standard’ and ‘Classic’.

Owners should use the Physical Conformation Standard to determine if their dog is an XL Bully type.

It is the owner’s responsibility to determine if their dog is covered by the ban.

If owners think their dog could be an XL Bully type dog, they should comply with all new requirements.

More information on the definition of an XL Bully type dog is in the Technical Frequently Asked Questions document below. (See website for info.)

Penalties for breaching the regulations:

Any owner found to be in breach of the regulations will have committed an offence under the Control of Dogs Act 1986.

The dog may be seized and euthanized in a humane manner and the owner will be subject to the penalties outlined in that Act:

A fine of up to €2,500, or imprisonment of a term of up to 3 months, or both.

XL Bully type dog owners living abroad

The regulation will provide for applications for Certificates of Exemption after February 1st 2025 in exceptional circumstances and on a case-by-case basis.

This will specifically facilitate any owner who wishes to enter Ireland after a period abroad and is only for owners who can prove they owned the dog prior to October 1st 2024. 

Such evidence could include but is not limited to; dog licence, certificate of exemption or microchipping details from other jurisdictions, dog veterinary records, or a receipt of purchase.

Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Tick Awareness


Ticks are small, spider-like creatures that feed on the blood of animals, including people. The size of a tick can vary, with a larva being as small as a tiny freckle, and fully fed females similar in size to a baked bean.

Ticks survive in many habitats, but prefer moist areas with leaf litter or longer grass, like in woodland, grassland, moorland, heathland and some urban parks and gardens. Ticks don’t fly or jump. They wait on vegetation for a host to pass by, and then climb on. They bite and attach to the skin and feed on blood for several days, before dropping off. 

Ticks are found throughout the year, but are most active between spring and autumn.

Ticks can sometimes transmit microbes that may cause human diseases such as Lyme disease.

For full information visit:

Monday, 26 August 2024

Pet Abduction law begins

The Pet Abduction Act 2024 has come into effect from August 24th;  under the new law, anyone found guilty of stealing a dog or cat in England or Northern Ireland will face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both. 

The new law recognises that cats and dogs are not inanimate objects but sentient beings capable of experiencing distress and other emotional trauma when they are stolen from their owners or keepers. 

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Scotland - Deadline to apply online for Exemption Certificate:

XL Bully types - Scotland:

From 1st August 2024 it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully type without a certificate of exemption or having applied for one.

You can apply for a Certificate of Exemption online on GOV.UK until 31 July 2024.

The Scottish Government website advises the following:

Paper applications have now closed. If you've already applied and need to send us more documents, you can email them to You can also still post them to:

XL Bully Dog Exemption Team
Room GW15
Scottish Government
St Andrew’s House
2 Regent Road
Edinburgh EH1 3DG

Processing times

We try to process applications within a few days, but it may sometimes take up to a few weeks. If you apply shortly before the closing date, you may not receive your Certificate of Exemption by 1 August 2024.

If this happens and the authorities ask to see your certificate, you can show them proof that you applied. This can be:

  • an email confirming you submitted the online form
  • proof that you posted a paper application
  • proof that you paid the application fee

If you need help with your application

Email with:

  • your full name
  • your postcode
  • the name of your dog

Thursday, 18 July 2024

Ireland to introduce new dog law:

Minister for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys TD has announced a ban on XL Bully Dogs.

From October 1st 2024, new regulations will prohibit the importing, breeding, selling and re-homing of XL Bullies.

From February 1st 2025, it will be illegal to own an XL Bully without a ‘Certificate of Exemption’.

Following consultation with the chairperson of the Stakeholder Group on Dog Control, Retired Deputy Garda Commissioner John Twomey, Minister Humphreys has announced the ban in order to protect public safety.

Certificates of Exemption will be issued subject to strict criteria, including a requirement for licensing, microchipping and neutering. Other possible criteria will be discussed with the Stakeholder Group on Dog Control put in place to advise on these issues.

Between now and 1st October 2024 the necessary regulations will be put in place, with cross Government work on this already commenced.

Tuesday, 25 June 2024

New Dog Law - Northern Ireland

New legal safeguards come into effect for XL Bully type dogs in Northern Ireland from 5 July 2024. If you own an XL Bully type dog you  take steps to prepare in advance of the restrictions coming into effect.

The new rules will be introduced in two stages. The first set of legal safeguards will come into operation on 5 July 2024 and will add XL Bully type dogs to the list of restricted breeds. From this date owners will not be allowed to breed, sell, exchange, gift or abandon an XL Bully type dog and they will need to keep their dog muzzled and on a lead when in public places. The dog must be kept in secure conditions that will stop it from escaping.

The second stage will come into effect on 31 December 2024. Beyond that date it will be illegal to own an XL Bully type dog without an Exemption Certificate. Further details on how to apply for an Exemption Certificate will be published in the coming weeks.

Full details online here - XL Bully dogs | nidirect

From 1 January 2025 it will be illegal to own an XL Bully dog in Northern Ireland without an Exemption Certificate.

In Northern Ireland, the definition used for an XL Bully type dog will be the same as the one that the UK Government set out for England and Wales, and which is also used in Scotland. It is known as a physical conformation standard.

Wednesday, 12 June 2024

Scotland - Government XL Bully Reminder

 Deadline approaches for applications.


XL Bully dog owners are being reminded to apply for an exemption certificate before the deadline on 31 July 2024 so they can continue to legally own their dogs.

From 1 August 2024, it will be a criminal offence to own an XL Bully without an exemption certificate or not to have applied for one by that date.

What you need to apply for an exemption - XL Bully dogs in Scotland - (

To get an exemption certificate, owners can apply online or by post for a £92.40 fee, while they must also obtain third party insurance and neuter and microchip their dogs. The deadline for online applications is midnight 31 July. Postal applications must be received by 15 July.

Since 1 April, when the exemption application process to own an XL Bully dog opened, 761 dogs have been registered online with 7 postal applications also received.

In line with the initial safeguards introduced on 23 February, XL Bully dogs must continue to be muzzled and kept on a lead in public.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

Pet Abduction Bill becomes law

As a General Election was recently announced, many Bills currently in progress did not manage to proceed any further as Parliament dissolved.
But good news for the Pet Abduction Bill - it managed to pass the final hurdles and became law just in time, with parliament now dissolved for the forthcoming Election.
The new legislation creates specific offences for dog and cat abduction in England and Northern Ireland, with a maximum prison sentence of five years, a fine, or both. There are also powers to extend the legislation to cover other pets if necessary.
The legislation to make pet abduction a criminal offence received Royal Assent on 24th May.
Under the Pet Abduction Act 2024 – which was a Private Members’ Bill sponsored by Anna Firth MP and Lord Black of Brentwood and supported by the Government – anyone found guilty of stealing a pet in England or Northern Ireland will face up to five years in prison, a fine, or both.
The new law recognises that cats and dogs are not inanimate objects but sentient beings capable of experiencing distress and other emotional trauma when they are stolen from their owners or keepers. 
Evidence from the Pet Theft Taskforce suggests around 2,000 dog and over 400 cat theft crimes were reported to police in 2020, causing considerable distress for owners and their pets alike. With an estimated 28% of UK adults owning a dog and 24% owning a cat, pet theft is a major concern to the public.
Support for the Act builds upon wider action to protect pets from theft, including making the microchipping of cats compulsory from 10 June 2024. This makes it easier for lost, stray or stolen pets to be reunited with their owners and returned home safely.

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

EFRA Committee Report - Pet Welfare & Abuse

Pet welfare and abuse – Inquiry:

This inquiry is considering the post-pandemic health and welfare concerns of companion animals, including abuse and mutilation.

This is a House of Commons Committee report, with recommendations to government. The Government has two months to respond.

Report Summary April 2024:

Over half of UK adults own a pet, and the country is often described as a nation of animal lovers. During our inquiry, however, we heard serious concerns about the risks posed to pet welfare by practices including unscrupulous breeding, the proliferation of Canine Fertility Clinics, the breeding of so-called ‘designer’ dogs, and abhorrent acts of abuse and mutilation. We considered the risks associated with pet importation, including puppy smuggling, the import of heavily pregnant and very young pets, the import of dogs with cropped ears and docked tails, and declawed cats, and the management of biosecurity. We took evidence from a wide range of sector experts on how existing legislation should be improved in order to provide stronger animal welfare safeguards, and robustly penalise those who seek to circumvent the law.

Throughout our inquiry we heard strong sector support for bringing forward all of the measures proposed under the withdrawn Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill 2021–22 as a matter of urgency. While the Licensing of Activities Involving Animals (2018) Regulations have helped establish a framework for higher welfare standards, these should be made more robust in order to clamp down on breeders who undercut standards to maximise profit. The Government should introduce a new Veterinary Surgeons Act to ensure that it is fit to tackle 21st century challenges. In particular, it must provide appropriate regulation for Canine Fertility Clinics, and introduce stringent and proportionate penalties for individuals who illegally perform acts of veterinary surgery. While the Animal Welfare Act 2006 prohibits the carrying out of mutilations such as ear cropping, tail docking, and declawing of cats, the import of animals with these mutilations is not currently prohibited, and this loophole should be closed as a matter of priority.

Our inquiry’s key findings and recommendations are:

The Government’s withdrawal of the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill stalled progress on key animal welfare issues. These delays have allowed the continuation of poor animal welfare practices. The Department must ensure that every provision from the Animal Welfare (Kept Animals) Bill is brought into force during the current Parliament. We welcome the introduction of Private Members’ bills that will take forward vital animal welfare measures, but note that the Government was relying heavily on Members who were successful in the Private Members’ bill ballot being willing to take on its handout bills to deliver its manifesto promises, rather than committing to bringing forward the legislation itself. While on this occasion it may prove successful, it was nonetheless a risky strategy.

It is estimated that less than half of puppies entering the market are from licensed breeders. The lack of traceability enables unscrupulous, low welfare breeding practices to flourish under the radar. More stringent safeguards are needed to ensure robust protections for the welfare of dogs and their puppies. The Department should improve traceability of dog breeding by introducing legislation to reduce the litter licensing threshold from three to two per 12-month period.

Cat breeding is becoming an increasingly accessible and lucrative business, but there are few legal safeguards to protect cats and their kittens. Cat breeding should be awarded the same legislative safeguards as awarded to dogs under Licensing of Activities Involving Animals Regulations.

The sharp rise in Canine Fertility Clinics from 37 in 2020, to over 400 currently, is of significant concern, particularly given their association with the breeding of so-called ‘designer’ dogs, such as brachycephalic breeds, and other breeds whose extreme characteristics have the potential to compromise health and welfare. The Government should make it a priority to introduce legislation to reform the Veterinary Surgeons Act (1966) to include Canine Fertility Clinics. The current £100 fine for performing acts of veterinary surgery illegally is a derisory deterrent. The Government should bring this fine in line with the penalties under The Animals (Penalty Notices) Act 2022.

Local authority animal welfare officers play a vital role in the licensing and enforcement activities that help protect animals. However, the ability of local authorities to perform regulatory activities is constrained by a lack of specialist knowledge and training, and inadequate funding and resources. This results in an inconsistent approach nationally. A central unit of suitably trained inspectors should be established which can be utilised by local authorities to improve collaboration and disseminate best practice.

Mutilations such as ear cropping, cosmetic tail docking and declawing are ethically abhorrent procedures with lasting welfare implications. The Government should close the loophole that allows the importation of mutilated animals as a matter of urgency, and certainly before the end of the current Parliament. Alongside this, the Government should legislate to restrict the possession, hosting, sale and supply of DIY ear cropping kits, which are all too easy to purchase online.

Carriers, meaning ferry companies or the Eurotunnel, play a key role in the pet importation and checking process, but it is not evident that carriers are striking the right balance between speed, checks, profit and identifying non-compliance. We have strong concerns about the robustness of a pet importation system that is based on 100% documentary checks at ports. This has implications for both biosecurity and smuggling. Puppy smuggling is perceived as a low risk, high reward crime, with the potential for sizeable profitmaking. To clamp down on smuggling, and prevent the import of very young puppies and heavily pregnant dogs, the Government should implement:

A reduction on the number of dogs and cats that can be imported by an individual into the UK from five per person to five per vehicle, and three per foot or air passenger.

A ban on the importation of puppies and kittens under six months.

A ban on the importation of pregnant dogs and cats in the last 30% of gestation.

Monday, 29 April 2024

Pet Abduction Bill moves on

The Pet Abduction Bill has now passed several stages in the House of Commons and moved onto the House of Lords - the 2nd Reading is due in the Lords on the 10th May.

The private members Bill was introduced by Anna Firth MP and will create specific offences of dog abduction and cat abduction and plans to confer a power to make corresponding provision relating to the abduction of other animals commonly kept as pets.

There is currently no legislation aimed at addressing pet theft specifically. Animals fall under the definition of property in legislation, and as such pet theft is dealt with under the Theft Act 1968.  Campaigners have called for stronger legislation that reflects the emotional value of pets to their owners and the distress associated with their theft.

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

XL Bully Neutering Forms Update

Updated information for owners of exempted XL Bully dogs in England and Wales:
If you own an XL Bully dog, you must provide Defra with evidence that your dog has been neutered for your Certificate of Exemption to remain valid. 
If you do not provide evidence that your dog has been neutered by the relevant deadline, your dog will no longer be exempt. 
Your XL Bully dog must be permanently neutered. Male dogs must be neutered through castration, and female dogs must be spayed.  
An RCVS-registered veterinary surgeon must perform the neutering procedure.
You must provide Defra with evidence that your XL Bully dog has been neutered on or before the relevant deadline. 
The deadline depends on the dog’s age on 31 January 2024.

If already neutered - A vet must confirm that your XL Bully is already neutered and fill in the VCN01 form with the owner.  

The owner must return the form to Defra on or before the relevant deadline. 

The owner must email a scanned copy or photo of the completed VCN01 form to, or post it to:

Dogs Index (neutering forms)
PO Box 68250

If you send the form by email, include the dog’s Certificate of Exemption number in the subject line. Include all scans or photos of the form in a single email.

If sending by post, we recommend you use a signed-for or special delivery service.

Guidance and Information - Confirm an XL Bully dog has been neutered - GOV.UK (

Monday, 25 March 2024

Animal Welfare (Responsibility for Dog Attacks) Bill


A Private Members' Bill sponsored by Anna Firth MP

A Bill to amend the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to require a person in charge of a dog to take all reasonable steps to ensure that that dog does not fatally injure another dog; and for connected purposes.

This Bill started in the House of Commons and has it’s Second reading scheduled for 17th May 2024.

There is no publication of the Bill yet.

Thursday, 21 March 2024

Bill's Second Reading - DDA Amendment

 Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (Amendment) Bill:

Sponsored by Sir Christopher Chope MP

A Bill to provide that, before making any order to designate a type of dog for the purposes of section 1 or 2 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, the Secretary of State must carry out a public consultation and publish a comparative review of data showing the incidences of fatalities resulting from bites of dogs of that type in the last three years.

The next stage for this Bill, Second reading, is scheduled to take place on Friday 22 March 2024.

This is a Private Members' Bill and was presented to Parliament on Monday 11 December 2023.

Thursday, 14 March 2024

XL Bully Dogs - Neutering Deadlines Updated by DEFRA

14th March 2024 Information from DEFRA:

Extension to the neutering deadline for XL Bully dogs that were under seven months on the 31st January 2024

The deadline for neutering the youngest XL Bully dogs is to be extended following engagement with the veterinary industry.

The new deadline to neuter XL Bully dogs that were under seven months on the 31st January 2024 will be 30th June 2025. We will make this change through legislation as soon as parliamentary time allows.

This is to make sure we safely manage the existing XL Bully dog population, balancing the welfare of these animals with keeping people safe.

Neutering for older dogs remains the same. For dogs that were over 1 year on the 31st January 2024, this has to be done by the 30th June 2024, while dogs aged 7 – 12 months on the 31st January 2024 must be neutered by the end of 2024.

With just over three months before the first deadline of 30th June 2024, owners of older dogs are reminded to book an appointment with the vet in good time.

If evidence is not provided that the dog has been neutered by the relevant deadline, owners will be breaching the legal requirements to keep an XL Bully dog and it may be seized by the police.

It remains an offence to breed or rehome an XL Bully dog regardless of its age.