Thursday, 12 December 2024

Next neutering deadline approaches for exempted XL Bullys

Relating to dogs who were at least 7 months of age but less than 12 months on 31st January 2024:
For your Certificate of Exemption to remain valid, you must arrange to have your XL Bully dog permanently neutered. Male dogs must be neutered through castration, and female dogs must be spayed.
You must use the confirmation of neutering form to tell Defra your dog has been neutered. You must provide the completed form to Defra on or before the relevant deadline of 31st December 2024.
The confirmation of neutering form can be found online here: Confirm an XL Bully dog has been neutered - GOV.UK

You must provide Defra with evidence that your XL Bully dog has been neutered on or before the relevant deadline. 

The owner and vet must fill in the veterinary confirmation of neutering form (VCN01) once the neutering procedure has been carried out. The owner should return the form to Defra. 

Defra must receive the form by the relevant deadline.

 If you do not provide evidence that your dog has been neutered by the relevant deadline, your dog will no longer be exempt.