Wednesday 21 December 2022

Welfare of Seized Dogs


Appoint an Independent Team to oversee the welfare of dogs seized by Police - Please sign and share the Petition

Debbie Connolly is an experienced behaviourist & expert witness assessor for Dangerous Dogs Act cases and started this petition:

Dogs seized by Police are held in kennels whilst cases are investigated. Owners cannot be told where these kennels are located.  I am an expert witness, I assess dogs involved in bite incidents.  Some forces allow us to see the dog at the holding kennels, many forces do not or have changed their policies to prevent us visiting dogs in kennels.

I have personally made complaints to Police and RSPCA regarding unsuitable conditions, there are many incidents in the papers where dogs have died during seizure or gone home in a very poor state.  These have not made much difference.

I wrote a charter to improve the seized dog process, starting with leaving contact details with the owner and particularly allowing experts to assess all dogs at the kennels. The big names in the dog industry, Dogs Trust, Blue Cross, Battersea, Kennel Club etc do not wish to support this and wish to carry on with their work.  Whilst they do this, after years of them achieving no change, dogs are suffering. I intend to bring this change now.

Only the allowing of experts into kennels and the appointing of an independent inspection team can change the welfare state of seized dogs. 

Please sign and share