Thursday, 30 September 2021

BSL Petition Update-Committee calls on Government to respond

Please sign here: Exempt dogs assessed by experts as safe from breed specific legislation - Petitions (

The Petitions Committee has decided not to schedule a debate on this petition, however, the petitions committee has now requested the Government respond to new questions as below:

The Committee recognises the support that the petition has received. However, the issue raised by the petition was recently debated in the House of Commons on 5 July in response to a petition making a related request.

Given the significant support for petitions about prohibitions for certain dog types, the Committee has written to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, highlighting support for petitions on this subject.

The Committee has called on the Government to:

- Establish a new framework for responsible ownership of dog types which are currently prohibited under the Dangerous Dogs Act
- Commission new research to consider the evidence base for current prohibitions
- Look at alternatives to current prohibitions on certain dog types

In the letter, the Committee has said the Government should publish the outcome of this work, followed by a Government review of the prohibitions set out in the Dangerous Dogs Act.

You can read the Committee's letter here:

The Committee will publish the Government's response when it is received, and notify petitioners by email.