Sunday, 1 December 2019

Fireworks Petition

The Government Petition circulating has now been closed due to there being a General Election in December. A government response was given on the 5th November 2019 and can be read in full on the petitions website.
Petition that have more than 100,000 signatures are considered for debate in the new Parliament and are now waiting for a new petitions committee after the General Election.

The petition gained over 305,000 signatures calling for a ban on fireworks for general sale to the public and reads:

Every year more and more people, animals and wildlife get hurt by fireworks. It’s time something was fine to stop this. There are enough organised firework groups around for us to still enjoy fireworks safely so please help me stop the needless sale of them to the public!

The noise from fireworks causes a great amount of fear, stress and anxiety in wild animals. ... Errant fireworks can also cause environmental damage though fires, and from the release of poisonous chemicals and particle-laden smoke, which is not just inhaled by wildlife, but contaminates the natural environment.
In England last year, 4,436 individuals attended A&E because of an injury caused by a firework - more than double the 2,141 in 2009/10.
With around 40% of the UKs dogs being scared.

This petition closed early because of a General ElectionFind out more on the Petitions Committee website