Thursday, 1 September 2011

Carmarthenshire Puppy Farm Update:

Puppy Farm Planning Application Approved by Council:

Sadly, as expected, retrospective planning permission at Beili Bedw, has been approved by Carmarthenshire County council.
The council met on 30th August, there was a private site visit followed by the planning committee meeting.
The application was for use of an agricultural shed as dog breeding kennels, the building measures 27.4m x 7.6m and is used to house up to 96 dogs used for breeding, you can read the full details of planning application W/24449 online here.

The current licence at these premises is for 155 bitches, 37 stud dogs and 4 other dogs bringing it to a total of 196 dogs.

In reference to the hundreds of objections received the council stated: "It is this licence and legislation outside the remit of the Planning Authority which would determine many issues relating to the numbers of animals and the conditions at the kennels."

The licence is renewed each year and is due to expire next on 21st December 2011. The premises have been licensed yearly since 2000.
It was declared that there are 1.5 full time workers associated with the dog breeding.

The agricultural holding where the dogs are kennelled comprises of 120 acres of land, with an additional 100 acres rented and approx... 850 ewes in addition to the 196 breeding dogs (this doesn't include the puppies).
Legislation requiring a certain staff to animal ratio is not in place yet stated the council.
The council states: “Any breach of licence would be investigated by the Public Protection Division. They have confirmed that legislation requiring a certain staff to animal ratio is not in place as yet and for dog breeding there is no specific area of space required per animal.”
Exactly how 1.5 full time workers can take care of 196 breeding dogs plus of course the puppies, with pregnant and nursing dogs on site, weaning puppies, well you can draw your own conclusions.

We do not think that 1.5 members of stafff can adequately care for such a high number of dogs, taking into account dogs need more than just food, water and cleaning out, this alone would in our opinion take more than 1.5 people to supply properly but then what also about exercise, socialisation, grooming, health checks, the weaning of puppies?

Here is the petition set up ‘Say No to Carmarthenshire puppy farm,  please sign the petition and pass it on to your contacts and friends.

These dogs need your voice -
 please write to your MP and bring this issue to their attention.