Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Campaign to End BSL - DEFRA

Breed Specific Legislation - Contacting Defra:

Please voice your concerns over breed specific legislation, e.g. Section 1 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 as amended and applied to England, Scotland and Wales.

Please write to the department for the environment, food and rural affairs - Defra the Government department concerned with animal welfare and 'dangerous dog' issues.

Lord Taylor, Parliamentary under-Secretary of State was appointed on 16th September 2011 taking over responsibility from Lord Henley, his portfolio includes the issues of animal welfare, companion animals and dangerous dogs.

Breed bans do not help protect the public. If you agree we need a total repeal and nothing less, you can use the template letter to send to Defra or use it to help you write your own letter-letters don't have to be long and complicated, you can give as much or as little detail as you feel you would like to include. Do ask for a reply.

It is very important that our politicians and government receive letters from you concerning breed specific legislation (BSL) and its failure. Laws are changed through parliamentary process, which includes a lot of discussion and debate on the issue.

Please post you letter to:

Lord Taylor Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
Nobel House
17 Smith Square
London SW1P 3TR

Emails to government ministers are sent to:

Please Speak Out & Help End BSL