Tuesday, 31 May 2022

The Vet Times UK-Vet urges MP's to join debate:

 A vet is making a last ditch appeal for her professional colleagues to lobby their MPs ahead of a parliamentary debate on the Dangerous Dogs Act.

The debate will take place on 6 June after a petition calling for the Government to repeal breed specific provisions in dangerous dogs legislation reached more than 100,000 signatures.
Pit bull
Anita Mehdi from Middlesbrough started the petition to end breed specific legislation (BSL) after her Staffordshire bull terrier, Lola, was seized by the police for fitting the BSL measurements.
Police were initially called because someone reported Lola as a pit bull and, despite officers confirming she was an “obedient and gentle dog”, Lola now has to wear a muzzle in public.
Deed not breed
The BVA, Blue Cross, Dogs Trust and RSPCA all support changes to BSL in favour of a “deed not breed” approach, but vet Helen O’Hare believes the latest bid to change the law will be more effective if backed by veterinary professionals across the UK.
Earlier this week, Ms O’Hare contacted Vet Times to publicise the debate, and call on vets and vet nurses to contact their MPs and encourage them to attend the session.
‘Draconian law’
Ms O’Hare said: “A petition of more than 100,000 signatures to repeal this unjust and draconian law has resulted in an upcoming debate in parliament on Monday, 6 June.
“If you care about animal welfare and would like to fight injustice, please contact your local MP as soon as possible, educate them, and ask them to attend this debate.”

Parliament to discuss Petition - EndBSL UK

A current UK Government Petition has been scheduled for debate in Parliament at 4.30pm on the 6th June, please contact your own Member of Parliament and ask them to attend the discussion, current dog law and breed specific legislation is not fit for purpose and in need of urgent repeal.

Your own MP represents you and can be contacted in a number of ways including online via:

MP Christina Rees will open the debate on 6th June

The UK Gov petition is still open for signatures and can be singed here:
Repeal Breed Specific Legislation: https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/603988