Thursday, 31 March 2022

Defra launch new consultation - dog microchipping in England

 The new survey launched this month can be completed online:

Consultation on cat and dog microchipping legislation in England 

Open until 17th May 2022, this consultation is seeking views on proposals for changes to provisions in the Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015,  from DEFRA as below:


We are seeking your views on potential changes to microchipping legislation. This covers both the new mandatory cat microchipping requirements, as well as improvements to the current dog microchipping system so they work as effectively possible in reuniting pets with their owners. 

Why your views matter:

We are seeking your views proposed solutions which will help us to understand the impacts of the suggested regulatory changes.

These proposed changes aim to improve the operation of the microchipping database system, making it easier to identify pet keepers and to reunite pets with their keepers. This will mean reduced costs to local authorities, vets and animal shelters, as well benefiting animal welfare and deterring pet theft.

Wednesday, 30 March 2022

Gov End BSL Petition Update:

Positive News - A parliamentary debate is to be scheduled and a new steering group has been formed in  response to the latest End BSl UK Gov e-Petition, the latest response (March 2022) is as below:

The Government has set out details of a new steering group that has been established to provide advice on policies aimed at reducing dog attacks and promoting responsible ownership of dogs.

Read a letter from the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, setting out details of the new steering group:

The Secretary of State has said that the steering group held its first meeting on 24 February, and work is underway to form specialist subgroups to help inform the steering group's advice to the Government.

The Government has said it expects the work of the steering group to be concluded in early 2023, at which point the Government will consider its advice.

Why has this steering group been established?

This steering group has been established following the publication of Government-commissioned research by Middlesex University on responsible ownership across all breeds of dog.

Read Middlesex University's report:

The Government has set out details of the steering group in its response to a letter from the Petitions Committee asking what work the Government is doing to review laws governing dog ownership, including dangerous dogs legislation that prohibits certain types of dog. The Committee's request for more information about the Government's work in this area followed a number of petitions, including the one you signed, calling on the Government to review the law relating to dog ownership.

Read the Committee's letter:

What happens next

A petition calling on the Government to repeal breed specific provisions in dangerous dogs legislation is currently waiting to be scheduled for debate.

As soon as the Committee has scheduled a debate on this petition, we will let you know.